Ein Parcours, eine Art bespielte, begehbare Film-Installation zum Thema Rituale und Traditionen in der Schweiz. Insbesondere ums Schwingen ging es. Von draussen gings nach drinnen, wie mit einer Geisterbahn immer tiefer ins finstere Herz der Schweiz.
A kind of national exhibition. An installation that is extended over several rooms and topics and in which visitors can move freely from one attraction to another. It is a combination of ghost train and folk festival, where traditions are broken up and rituals are dismantled in order to create something new and beautiful. The live happening becomes a media event, the body original takes over the habitus of the Swiss Cervelat VIPs, as we know them from magazines, in order to transform, unsettle and seduce from there.
Theater Neumarkt / Kunstraum Walcheturm / Schlosshof Aarau / Roxy Birsfelden 2015
Idee/Konzept: Das Morphologische Institut (Salome Schneebeli/Heta Multanen/Demian Wohler)